Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international Christian ecumenical observance kept annually between 18 January and 25 January.
We normally hold a united service to celebrate Christian Unity. In 2018, this is likely to be at Pentecost, celebrating along with the birth of the Church.
We offer the following prayers to use it for private prayers or within a congregation, during the Week of Prayer or at any other time.
Rejoice and be glad
For more than 50 years of ecumenical endeavour in the Lewes area.
For Christian Aid and all who support this great cause - especially in small but time-consuming ways.
For the work of HOMELINK in finding accommodation for homeless people in the Lewes District.
For the inspiration of all involved in the Lewes Passion Play
For the faithful keeping of the Women's World Day of Prayer every March
Remember our community of faith
May we in the Christian fellowship (17 congregations) grow in love for one another ... in this town ... and in the surrounding villages ...
For those we find it hard to understand, that we may look on them with the loving eyes of Jesus.
For our eyes of compassion .. that we may discern the best ways of identifying and relating to
the social problems of this area ...
For those begging in our streets for whatever reason ... and for discernment amongst those endeavouring to help ...
For those employed by voluntary and statutory health and welfare services ... that we may listen to what they say about the problems they address ...
For those who have come to this area as refugees or asylum-seekers ... that we may welcome them and help them to feel at home.
For those who work full-time or are volunteers at Lewes Prison ... and the inmates and their families.
For our planning of the next few months: Simon Hobbs the Lent speaker; Gretel Scott arranging the Lent groups; Fr Jonathan arranging the Good Friday Walk of Witness; and for good support from our membership.
For the wider Christian fellowship around the world and other ecumenical endeavours in this country and overseas (see various websites)