What's happening next


Forthcoming Events

Election 2024 - Hustings

THURSDAY 27 JUNE at 7:30 pm

(Doors open AT 7 pm)

at King's Church, Brooks Road, Lewes BN7 2BY

All candidates for the Lewes Constituency have been invited


Questions for the candidates should be emailed to: tlahustings@gmail.com

to be received by Monday 24 June. Please include your name, name of your Church or Organisation (if any) and your question.


Questions should be clear and concise, and the person sending them must attend the meeting in order to put the question.

Regular Events

Monthly Prayer Group

On the 3rd Saturday of each month from 8-9am members of all churches are welcome to join in praying for the Lewes area. The group pray for the needs and work of individuals, churches, businesses and institutions (for example the prison and schools) etc. Do join us! 

For further information please email lewesprayer@btinternet.com

Thinktank - Contemporary Society and Contemporary Religion 

The Christ Church Thinktank draws on speakers from all the churches in the Lewes area. Whether you go to church or not, come whenever the topic interests you. The format is 45 minutes talk and 45 minutes discussion and our average attendance is about 30.

All meetings are from 7.30 to 9 pm.

The meetings are monthly (usually on the third Wednesday of the month). Details of future meetings can be found here

Follow us on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/ChurchesTogetheLewes/