
Ecumenical Calendar for 2014


Thursday 16th January: 7.30pm Executive Committee Meeting

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18th to the 25th January. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed during the octave of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Sunday 19th January: Passion Play AGM at Christ Church. 4.30 for 5pm. Scheduled to end in time for those attending to go on to the Ecumenical service noted below.

Ecumenical Service of Holy Communion at Christ Church: 6.30pm. Preacher: Revd James Hollingsworth, Rector of St Mary's, Barcombe.

Thursday 23rd January: Open meeting at St Pancras Church 7.30. Come early for refreshments. There will be a presentation by Judah Armani, the Sussex Co-ordinator for Christian Aid.

Poverty and Homelessness Action Week: 24th January to 2nd February with a special service of thanksgiving and commitment for Homelink on Sunday February 2nd at 3pm at Church of St Thomas More, 54 Sutton Road, Seaford


8th February: Men'sBreakfast at the White Hart Hotel - “How to succeed in Business ....the art of giving up?” Details listed under Breakfast Meetings.


Lent Begins on Wednesday 5th. Ecumenical Lent Groups start on Monday 10th.

Women's World Day of Prayer - Friday 7th March.


18th April Good Friday Silent Walk of Witness: begins at 6pm outside St Pancras Church, moving down the High Street and through the town to the Mount in Mountfield Road, where a cross is erected and the Walk ends with a brief service of prayer and hymns.

Saturday 19th April 4 Mystery Plays will be presented in Harvey's Yard in the Cliffe: Creation, Cain and Abel, Noah and Abraham and Isaac. These are seen as a prequel to the full Passion Play which will be presented in 2015.


Thursday 1st May: 7.30pm Executive Committee Meeting

11th - 17th Christian Aid Week


28 Centenary of the shooting at Sarajevo which precipitated the First World War: 1914 - 18.


United Service with a focus on marking the First World war. It is hoped that people from all the combatant countries will be involved. Further details later.

Thursday 10th July: Open Meeting with a focus on Peace Studies.